Q&A- Investors / Corporates

5 Questions with Marc P. Benegger of Next Generation Finance Invest

1. Tell us about yourself and your firm, and which FinTech companies are in your portfolio.

I’m an internet entrepreneur since 14 years with two exits (usgang.ch -> Axel Springer / amiando -> Xing) and partner at Next Generation Finance Invest. We focus on finance 2.0 and have six companies in our portfolio (ayondo, Gekko Global Markets, Oanda, StockPulse, 2iQ and yavalu).


2. Which stage of startups, and/or which areas (within FinTech) are of particular interest to you?

Early stage focusing on next generation trading and investing (social trading, …).


3. What are your key learnings and experiences working with FinTech startups in D-A-CH / Europe?

The transformation of the financial industry takes much longer than the same shift took place in other sectors.


4. What do you see as the biggest challenges for FinTech Startups / SMEs, and what is your advice to them?

Get relevant traction and build trust.


5. What is your view on the FinTech scene in D-A-CH, and what could we do to accelerate founding, investment and deal activity in the region?

More matchmaking and networking events.

Wir machen übrigens am 21. Mai wieder einen Event in Zürich -> www.finance20.ch