BlackRock Takes Scalable Capital Stake in Europe ‘Robo-Advisor’ Push
BlackRock, the world’s biggest asset manager, made its first push into Europe’s “robo-advice” market on Tuesday after taking a stake in Anglo-German digital investment manager Scalable Capital. BlackRock, which manages $5.4 trillion across a range of actively managed and index-tracking funds, led a 30 million euro ($33.6 million) funding round for Scalable alongside its two existing German venture capital backers, a joint statement said.
Ottonova raises €10 million to bring digital insurance to Generation Y
Munich-based insurtech startup Ottonova has raised €10 million from Debeka, Germany’s largest private health insurance provider. In return Debeka is receiving slightly more than 10 percent of the shares in the startup. The capital comes just after the startup raised €15 million in March from several investors, including Vorwerk Ventures and Tengelmann Ventures.
300+ FinTech Investments and M&A Deals in Europe in 2016 and 2017 YTD
The report Unbundling European Finance launching at Money2020 Europe on 28th June 2017 analyses 300+ FinTech investments and M&A deals in Europe in 2016 and 2017 (up to end-May), as well as trends for the year ahead. The key results of the report as well as the complete report including all transactions will be available from 28th June 2017.
Ayondo launches Bitcoin trading
Financial technology group ayondo has expanded its product portfolio with the launch of Bitcoin trading, allowing its clients easy access to the price movement of Bitcoin without the need to open up an e-wallet to purchase bitcoin in the internet.
SYNGENIO AG, CROUT GMBH and QUANTOZ N.V. have founded Quasar Payment Network
QPNbuilds on a completely new infrastructure, using the “Quasar” blockchain technology, developed by Quantoz, as a basis, enabling peer to peer (micro) transactions between enterprises, consumers and the Internet of Things (IoT). QPN addresses the evolving market of 50 billion IoT devices.
European FinTech Deal Map and German FinTech Scoreboard
Check out our weekly map of FinTech investments and M&A in Europe, and our Scoreboard tracking the FinTech funding rounds (year-to-date) in Germany.
5 Insurers investing big time in startups
Auch die Versicherer im Lande haben längst die Zeichen der Zeit erkannt. Immer mehr Versicherungen legen Investment-Vehikel auf bzw. investieren direkt in Jungfirmen, die sich im InsurTech-Segment breit machen. Hier 5 Versicherungen, die massiv in Startups investieren.
5 Fakten zum FinTech-Überflieger Scalable Capital
Investoren wie BlackRock, Holtzbrinck Ventures, Tengelmann Ventures und Co. investierten in den vergangenen Monaten imposante 41 Millionen Euro in Scalable Capital. Mit dieser Finanzierung ist Scalable Capital ein ganz dicker Fisch im großen Fintech-Teich.
„Ich glaube nicht daran, dass virtuelle Währungen eine Zukunft haben“
Selbst Banken haben mittlerweile verstanden, das eigene Geschäftsmodelle zu hinterfragen – „zu challengen“, wie es Frédéric Oudéa, Chef der Société Générale, im Gespräch beschreibt. Die französische Bank gründete etwa einen neuen Online-Ableger und schaut sich nach Fintechs um.